Dark Net Trust Lessons -- ISACA SV 2015 preso

The conference theme was, Can the anonymous, non-transparent, inaccountable Dark Net survive, even thrive? Indeed it can, in no small part due to rampant eavesdropping, surveillance, unauthorized data collection, and identity theft on the supposedly secure Clear Net, problems that are driving people and businesses to the Dark Net. Despite it's reputation as a dangerous place, the Dark Net has a security advantage: in order to protect and maintain anonymity, and survive, DarkNet marketplaces and forums are required to follow Zero Trust Model principles and practice appropriate Op Sec -- not just some of the time, all of the time. Dark Net popularity is driving innovations to assure anonymity, data confidentiality, and trusted transactions. These slides/ notes respond to the ISACA conference's theme question by focusing on the trust lessons the Dark Net offers.

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